Saturday, November 9, 2013

Gender Surgery

I know I still need to discuss the "relationship change" I mentioned yesterday; but I figured that could wait for another day.

As a trans-woman, the ultimate destination for me is Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS, or as some refer to it SRS).  The reality of the matter for me is that while it's expensive, we could probably make it happen; but it would likely cost me my job.  I have a job that I really like and that allows me to work from home.  Unfortunately it's for a (very) small company so EEOC protections don't apply, ENDA won't apply, and so on.  I'm already out on a limb with what I've done so far, but I recently traveled to a conference with my boss/owner and he didn't seem to notice any changes - I was a bit concerned about my breast growth; but I managed to wear baggier polo's and a light jacket since it was cooler there.

However, GRS would put me out of commission for enough time I'd have a hard time explaining that and I'm sure it would eventually get out.  As it is I've kept my word in that I have not had a "sex change".  I realize I'm splitting hairs there, but it is the truth.  While the name I've chosen - Madison - is less uni-sex that I thought it was, I figure when I finally have to share that I can chalk it up to a simple name change and point out that I kept my original (very male) name as my middle name which I'm hoping will appease him and the majority owner.

That all being said, after finding out that my judgment to change my gender legally from male to female has been signed I started thinking about a Orchiectomy ("Orchi").  Without getting too graphic, it's basically an outpatient surgery that removes the testicles themselves.

People might question the reason behind that and there are several in no particular order:

  • Ideally I'd be able to cut back on my testosterone blocking medication since my body would no longer produce that.  Personally less medicine is always a good thing to me.
  • From a mental standpoint it would make me feel better about myself which less parts "down there".
  • From a vanity standpoint, it would help eliminate issues with an unsightly bulge in certain clothes.
  • Lastly, to me it would affirm my decision to transition as at this point everything I've done is more or less reversible.

This is something I've discussed with my spouse and she supports it; although I've asked her to keep thinking about it for a bit to be sure.  I go see the Doctor who's supervising my hormones in about 10 days and I'm going to get her opinion on it; and I have a therapist visit in 5 weeks or so and I'll get her opinion as well.  Assuming neither has a good reason not to do it, I'm going to request the authorization letter from my therapist; although the surgeon I think I would see doesn't seem to normally require letters (some require two just as with GRS).

As of now, unless my Doctor has a suggestion for somebody more "local", I'm leaning towards going to Michigan.  It's close enough to drive - albeit a long 8-10 hour drive so I could avoid flying; and I figure it would be a nice road trip my wife and I.  With it being an outpatient procedure we should be able to leave the morning before, spend the night, have the procedure done, and spend another night or two for me to "recover", before heading home.

I don't want to put the cart ahead of the horse, so until I can speak with at least my HRT Doctor this is really only some thoughts - but if she is okay with it; then I can get more serious and perhaps see about arranging it for early next year.

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