Sunday, March 2, 2014

Why Do I Cry?

Why do I cry?

I cry because people take advantage of my kindness and generosity, and I let them do it.

I cry because people are mean and hateful to me, and I let them do it.

I cry because people that I care about often don't reciprocate, and I let them do it.

I cry because so many suffer so needlessly, and I can't fix it all.

I cry because I see so much sadness and hate in the world, and I can't make it all go away.

I cry because I care, and I will ALWAYS do that.

But most of all I cry because I'm happy that I have the most wonderful and caring wife in the world and because of her all of those other tears become bearable.  J, you mean everything to me and I will be grateful for all eternity that you are my wife and partner.  I love you.  <3

- M

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