Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Best "Tangible" Gifts I've Ever Received...

I consider myself a very lucky woman, I've received a lot of gifts throughout my life.  The greatest of those gifts are non-tangible gifts - my loving and supportive wife J, my wonderful daughter P, my "sister" M, and so on.  But those are something I'll discuss another time.  What I thought I'd talk about today are some of the "tangible" gifts I've received that have really meant a lot to me for various reasons.  These are in no particular order, although a couple of things that J has gotten me stand alone above the rest.

  • Sony Wireless Headphones - I spend a lot of time in our bedroom, I have an actual "office" area downstairs for work, but I'm just as likely to work up here as I have a very nice setup on my desk (3 PC's 5 24in Monitors, and so on).  Even when I'm not working I like it as I can have the TV on and still be on the computer(s), or I can be playing Xbox, or whatever.  Well for a long time J was on nights which made this a challenge as I often watched TV with subtitles (and was learning to read lips <G>) and I'd play my 360 with no sound which wasn't a lot of fun with games that had a lot of dialogue (The "Arkham" games, Quantum of Solace, and so on).  At some point a few years ago M and M2 went out of town to visit a friend of theirs around my birthday.  They came home with a pair of these Sony Headphones (model RF970R).  I was skeptical at first, but they have been wonderful.  They sit in a dock next to the TV and I can watch TV, play games, whatever without disturbing J.  Now it's not as big a deal anymore since she works days now, but on occasion when she goes to bed earlier than I do I still use them.  They work all through the house so I can go get a drink or even check the mail and continue to listen to the game or whatever.  Definitely a great gift.
  • Curtains - These probably sound silly, but when we moved in I insisted on blinds for our bedroom.  I always wanted blinds - but it was a *huge* mistake.  Our windows face the east which means the sun pored in every morning early and made sleeping late difficult at best.  A couple of months ago I had to go out with one of our re-sellers to a customers site (one I had installed myself years ago) and upon coming home M and M2 had hung some very dark curtains for us.  While I wish they were two pieces to allow easy opening of the windows, that's a minor quibble as they make it so dark when they are closed we can now sleep in peace even if we want to sleep in late.  They seem to keep it cooler in here as well.  For something so simple, they've been a great gift.
  • Jewelry - I've gotten plenty of jewelry over the years from J and M; be it earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and so on; but these three pieces all came from J and stand out above all others.  The one on the left is a necklace that is visible in many of my early photos.  I always loved it because it was among the first pieces of "women's jewelry" that J got me and the chain is long enough to hang down around breast level (which also means it can go on over my head without having to be unclasped).  I don't wear it as much these days - mainly because of the other necklace in this photo - but I think it will always be my favorite necklace.  The ring - well J had gotten me rings before - most of which didn't fit, or in the case of one I really loved - I lost - but this one is the one I wear EVERYTIME I leave the house.  It means so very much to me and no matter what other rings I may or may not get I'll never not wear this one.  The last piece in this picture is another necklace that J got me - well really she got me the charm as the chain it came on was too small, but I ended up putting the charm on this chain and it works well.  It doesn't hang as low as the first necklace, but it still fits me nicely and is one you'll see in many current photos.  In case the inscription cannot be seen it reads:  "If Your ♥ Is Open, It Can Never Stay Broken".  When I first got the charm it didn't mean much to me, but as I've transitioned and as my love for J has gotten stronger this has taken on a great meaning to me and I wear it as much as I can - often even with a second necklace.  I love you sweetie and these pieces mean so very much to me.

  • TV - M has gotten me a couple of TV's over the years and while I greatly appreciate the 42in LCD in our room right now, nothing compares to the first big screen she got me nearly 20 years ago.  I came home from work one Saturday night to it, I had always wanted a big screen TV and never thought I'd have one.  Well she had her Grandmother take her to Sears and she bought it herself and arranged to have it delivered.  It was a Phillips Magnovox projection model - I believe it was 52 or 54 inches I don't recall for sure, but it had PIP, smart sound (to keep those commercials from blaring) and so on.  I loved it and we had it for probably 7 or 8 years until we finally got a DLP model when we reconciled as friends and moved into the townhouse while this house was built.  While a 52 inch TV isn't as big a deal today, nearly 20 years ago it was huge compared to what most people had and it meant a lot to me then and I still have fond memories of it.
  • "Add A Size" - This probably sounds funny, but of all the things I've been given in regards to my transition, the one thing that I've gotten by far the most usage out of are these.  They are a simple set of silicon "add a cup size" breast forms - I believe these came from Wal-Mart.  J got them for me pre-transition, but I didn't use them much.  Once I started transitioning I got actual full-size breast forms, but those quickly became too big with the growth I had.  So I've settled into using these - they are large enough to give me a nice look in my clothes, but small enough to not cause a distraction.  I do *not* leave the house without them even if I'm not totally done up.  They are like a security blanket of sorts for me and I appreciate them so very much.
  • Guess Purses - I've got several purses and I like them all, but I have two Guess purses.  The first one is a black shoulder bag that M got me and I love it and will never give it up.  However,  a little while back J got me a beautiful matched Guess purse and wallet, both in pink.  I haven't used them yet, but I believe I will be this coming week.  Frankly they are prettier than the black bag, but it's also more of a traditional purse than a shoulder bag and I'll need to get used to that.  Regardless, I greatly appreciate both purses and can't think J and M enough for them.
  • Our First Cat Emily - I wrote this post on Friday 8/22/2014 in the morning, before I realized how sick Emily was and before we had to take her to the vet to euthanize her on Saturday.  As sad a moment as that was in my life, it's good to know that she will not be suffering and has moved on to a better place.  But I would be remiss if I didn't thank my wife J for Emily.  We got Emily shortly after we got together - sort of as a birthday present for me.  I - and Emily - owe J a debt of gratitude as I believe we gave Emily a wonderful last 8 years of her life and I know I never would have adopted/rescued Emily if not for J.  While Emily was a very independent cat as I talked about in the post I made about her last month, she brought not only me, but all of us in the house great joy and I like to think we did the same for her.  While she may be physically gone from this world, I know her spirit will live on with us for the rest of all of our lives and she'll be waiting on the Rainbow Bridge for not only me, but for all of us.  J, thank you so very much for Emily and even more so for sharing what you did about the Rainbow Bridge - you have no idea how much better it's made me feel today.  I love you so very much and I know Emily did as well and I know she'll be there for us when our time comes.

I guess that's enough for now, there are lots and lots of other things I've been given over the years that mean a lot to me, but these things stood out at the moment.  Hope everybody is having a great weekend.

- M

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