Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holidays And (Lack Of) Family Redux

Recently I commented on the impact of the holidays and lack of my genetic family in my life (Here: ).

While I am incredibly happy with the family I've chosen to have - especially my wife/Mistress who is absolutely the love of my life - I do miss having actual "family interaction" sometimes - more so this time of year.

Well yesterday my wife and I went to her parents for a late Thanksgiving dinner.  She had an absolutely rotten day at work and I was so worried about her that I offered for us to stay home or even for us to go out to a quiet dinner; but she was adamant that she wanted to have a nice evening with her parents and their friends.  Truth be told; her bad day was the majority reason for my offer; but not the only reason.  I was nervous - no I was scared to go.  While her parents and the friends in question are all aware of my transition to Madison, they had never seen me as Madison.  It's one thing for me to go out in public and be around strangers as I really don't care what they think; but I do care what her parents think and more so I care what they think of her.

Just before we got there she asked me if I was nervous and I couldn't lie so I told her I was.  She repeatedly offered for us not to go; but I couldn't do that to her.  She's always so wonderful to me, there was no way I could deprive her of Thanksgiving with her family, especially after her rough day at work.

As a side note, below is the outfit I wore.  For some reason I can't get it to link to the Flickr copy - I've done it here before; so I had to upload the image here which agitates me.  Additionally, I'm not sure what setting(s) I've changed on the camera but it's not taking very good pictures.  I've "reset" it so hopefully going forward they will be better.

As much as I love dresses; it's only the second time I've worn one out in public (I also wore this dress to my Uncle/Aunt's 35th anniversary last month); and I've never worn it with those shoes.  They're a pair of "booties" with a good 4 inch stiletto heel which I love, but I can't normally walk in for very long.  However, I wanted to look nice for my wife/Mistress so went with them.

Now not only would this be the first time I saw her parents as Madison; if you look closely you can see my slave collar on.  We had talked about that and while I left the decision to her (as well all decisions these days); my "preference" was to not take it off, but if she wanted to I would understand.  She elected to leave it on, which truth be told added to my nervousness as I knew her parents/friends would notice it and I wasn't sure how that would go.

Let me say how wonderful dinner and the evening was.  I continued to be nervous; but as the night progressed I would like to think I slowly got over that.  Dinner was so good; especially the stuffing as I normally don't eat that, but her Mom's was phenomenal.  It was so nice to have that "family experience" both for myself and more important for my wife/Mistress.  She's very close to her parents and in the past I've given her some grief for that; but truth be told I suppose it was in large part to me being jealous that she has that and I don't.  I can't speak for her parents; but to me they're now the closest thing I have to parents and I both appreciate and care for them as such.

I need to go as I still have a significant part of my "to do" list to get done, but I wanted to discuss this wonderful evening while it was still reasonably fresh in my mind. :)

- M

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