Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day To My Sweetheart...

So why am I spending time writing here versus spending time with my sweetheart?  Well, as of last Sunday she's started an overnight rotation for the next six months and this is the first night of her first full rotation - she had two overnights, then her four nights off - which were great.  I'll get into her new schedule in a future post as there are plenty of pros/cons to it.  But since she's at work and I'm here I spent some time giving though to the last year together and how much she's meant to me.  She's always meant a lot to me, but each and every day she means more and this past year has been to me the best year we've had together, though I believe this coming year will be even better - as well each subsequent year.

But this past year will always be special to me, especially for the time we spent together exactly a year ago.  What was special about that?  Well, right about now exactly one year ago we were in a hotel in Novi, Michigan trying to sleep before my orchiectomy the next morning.  I won't go into the details since they are well documented in this post, but suffice it to say she was wonderful.  She took such great care of me, and it was truthfully the best few days I think we had ever had together.  The sacrifices she made for me for that trip/surgery, not to mention all of the other sacrifices she's made over the years - no matter how much I try and do for her I don't know that I can ever do as much for her as she has and continues to do for me.  Don't get me wrong, it's not like we "keep score" - in fact - we both probably wish the other never did anything nice for us - we both want to take care of each other.  But the fact that she does do those things - well it means the world to me.  

This year in comparison was a touch boring.  We went out to lunch on the 13th like we had last year, but instead of hitting a Valentine's Day special, we actually just had a quickie lunch at Longhorn since I was working.  We even dragged M along as we both feel a touch sorry for her at times as M2 doesn't really take her out much, and when he does it's always to places *he likes*.  M gets on my nerves (and J's) at times, but I do think we both agree that for the most part she means well and she gets the "short end of the stick" from M2 more than she should, but that's another story.  Since J needs to sleep during the day, I let her do that while I worked and then we went running to the grocery store late night to get some things for meals the next few days.  But despite the fact that it was "more boring" than last year and we weren't driving all over the country, it was a wonderful day and even into today.  J and I were able to nap together this afternoon, though I only sleep a couple hours at time for the most part so I was up early - but it is so nice to be able to curl up next to her and drift off into sleep.  We may not have gotten much done these last few days, but the time spent together was wonderful and it made me appreciate her all that more.

So sweetie, I know you read these entries, so let me once again tell you just how much I love you and how much you mean to me.  I've cherished the years we've had so far and I look excitedly forward to the years we have coming.  I love you. <3

- M

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